Sat 13 Jul 1985

    Wembley Stadium, London, England

Dont Let The Sun Go Down On Me (with Elton John)

Do They Know Its Christmas? (with all artists)



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Live Aid (not to be confused with Live 8) was a multi-venue rock music concert held on July 13, 1985.

The event was organised by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure in order to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia. Billed as the 'global jukebox', the main sites for the event were Wembley Stadium, London (attended by 72,000 people) and JFK Stadium, Philadelphia (attended by about 90,000 people), with some acts performing at other venues such as Sydney and Moscow.

It was one of the largest-scale satellite link-ups and television broadcasts of all time: an estimated 1.5 billion viewers, across 100 countries, watched the live broadcast.





This was broadcasted worldwide on TV and radio, DVD relase also exists.